Services & Approach


Body Image counseling

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You are ready to examine the stories you’ve been telling yourself about your body and about food and explore where they come from using Narrative Therapy. Chances are, they’re not from you!

Looking through a social justice lens, you will start to find ways to accept and advocate for your body despite this toxic culture we all swim in daily.

Through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) you will create some new, heart-felt and sustainable intentions around caring for your body, that align with your unique values and identities.

$130 / 60-minute session

intuitive eating Nutrition


You’ll learn to listen and tune into your body’s built-in signals for eating and moving. You were born an intuitive eater, and with consistent practice using the skills you honed in counseling like mindful awareness and self-compassion, you will soon be a pro at balancing delicious foods and gentle nutrition, rest and joyful movement. In a way that’s 100% unique to YOU. Based on the Intuitive Eating Principles developed by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, you’ll learn to center satisfaction, move for the sake of feeling good, reject dieting, use nutrition information judgment-free, and respect your body’s messages.

(p.s. your body is smarter than you!)

$130 / 60-minute session

Mindful Eating Coaching


Mindful Eating is a skill that is utilized in Intuitive Eating. Think smaller circle within a much larger circle. Building mindfulness during mealtime can be a slow, step-by-step process that can shed light on how you are thinking, feeling, reacting, and paying attention while eating, and can help increase satisfaction, self-compassion, happiness, and even digestion! Working together, we will debunk the myths around Mindful Eating, helping you get the very most from mealtime, especially a sense of nourishment and peace.

$130 / 60-minute session


For nutrition services, I take Premera, Regence, & FirstChoice insurances. 

For mental health services, I am private-pay only and accept all major credit cards. Sliding scale fees are available upon request. *